New Fredericton bylaw forbids Christmas decorations before Dec. 1

New Fredericton bylaw forbids Christmas decorations before Dec. 1

Fredericton — As Halloween wraps up for another year and the calendar turns to November, many New Brunswickers begin celebrating a longstanding tradition: complaining about how early Christmas decorations are going up in local stores.

While many seem to feel that it is inappropriate to display holiday trinkets before Remembrance Day, the truth is that there is no real consensus or enforceable laws. However, this week the City of Fredericton has taken steps to change that, by creating a bylaw, as well as a new position for an officer to enforce it.

The Manatee has learned that Council undertook an emergency vote Thursday after reports of early decoration surfaced. Under the auspices of By-Law No. H-0, the city will be making it illegal for any business, public space or private dwelling to visibly display decorations “that are considered, or are by common assent considered, winter holiday-related before the date of Dec. 1. Further, any such decorations must be removed no later than Jan. 5 of the January immediately following the December in which they were displayed.”decorations1

Mayor Brad Woodside praised the decision. “I’m so sick of having to pose for holiday photos next to a decorated City Hall and an Officers’ Square wrapped in twinkly lights,” he said. “Any ruling that reduces ‘Christmas in the capital’ is OK in my books.”

The law will be enforced by an officer who has been empowered by the City of Fredericton to request the removal of any decorations violating thew new guidelines. Council members have declined to comment so far. The Manatee will of course cover this story as it develops.

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