Mayor Lordon shuts down recreational bass fishery in Miramichi

Mayor Lordon shuts down recreational bass fishery in Miramichi

Miramichi — The City of Miramichi, N.B. is once again on the map! The recent popularity of the bass fishery is the next big thing to hit “the river.” People of all ages litter the shores of the Mighty Miramichi each spring in pursuit of the striped bass. However, like CFB Chatham and Repap pulp & paper, the recreational striped bass fishery may soon be nothing more than a memory.

We at The Manatee noticed an article in the Miramichi Leader on June 25 with the headline, “City Council passes new bylaw putting an end to recreational fishing of striped bass in the Miramichi watershed.”

We reached out to Mayor Lordon to see what was going on in the “Chi.” With typical Miramichi hospitality, Lordon invited us up to Creative Grounds Cafe to sit down and “have a say.” He treated our reporter to a Victor Summer’s Special (VSS), which consists of half a cup of King Cole tea, a quarter-cup of Tims dark roast, a shot of Hermit wine and the neck of an Alpine beer topped with whipping cream and a fiddlehead. A local favourite!

Mayor Lordon got right to business explaining the rationale for shutting down the bass fishery.

“Well guys, as you know we had a rough couple years with the Phoenix Pay Centre debacle. We are just starting to turn that corner when I get a very troubling report form the centre. Employee sick-days have skyrocketed in May and June, so bad that it is estimated that it will add an extra six months to the current backlog. I was getting so stressed over the situation my doctor referred me to Jayson Driskell, a local massage guru. As I’m sitting there shooting the shit with Jay, I ask him about how business is going lately.

“He said, ‘Well Adam, business is booming for me, but I am concerned for the well-being of the people of the Miramichi. This bass fishing is getting out of hand! One patient of mine was so hooked on the bass that he developed carpal tunnel in his wrists and tendinitis in his elbows. His condition got so bad this spring he was put on short-term disability at the new payroll centre.’

“The lightbulb went on right then, guys,” Lordon added as he slowly chewed on the steamed fiddlehead. “The injuries at the payroll centre were all about the bass! Now you may not be aware, but around here the locals call me ‘Action Adam’ because I get things done! I ran the idea by the Council last week about closing the fishery and the vote was unanimous in favour.”

And in that same breath, “Action Adam” finished his Victor Summer’s Special and told us he was off to a meeting with Transportation Minister Bill Fraser to discuss the possibility of tearing down the Centennial Bridge and hiring Capt. Azade Hache to run a ferry service.

We don’t know how exactly the Chi’ers will accept a moratorium on recreational bass fishing, but from all of us here at The Manatee we wish those proud plaid-wearing people “the very best.”

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