Bell Aliant, Rogers announce new 90-day cancellation notice for NB

New Brunswick — In a joint statement by Bell Aliant and Rogers, a new 90-day notice effective today will replace the soon-to-be-banned 30-day cancellation notice implemented by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission and set to take effect Jan. 23. This will mean any consumer who has home phone, Internet or television with either provider in the province will now require a full 3-month notice to have these services discontinued.

“We agree with the CRTC,” said spokesperson Diane Lauer, representing the 2 telecom giants. “A 30-day notice simply isn’t enough time to convince customers that they might not be fully aware of some of the great services these companies provide. We feel with a new 90-day notice, customers will now have ample time to carefully consider which provider they want to go to or stay with.”

RogersBellIn addition to the new extended cancellation notice, New Brunswick customers will also have to apply to initially have the cancellation request put into effect. The application process will require customers to write a 3,000-word essay on why they feel switching providers is the right decision, followed by a mandatory exam comprised of 300 or so questions.

“From research conducted by both Bell Aliant and Rogers, what we’ve found is that customers with either company often cancel their services without ever having really thought through their decision, and in many cases they were never even aware of some of the great things they could be taking advantage of with either provider,” said Lauer. “With this new application process, customers are much more likely to walk away feeling fully informed and cared for as valued part of either company.”

However, not all customers seem to feel that way. Saint John resident Jonathan Reed felt the application was a little unnecessarily challenging. “One of the questions in the TV portion of the exam asked me to name 3 love interests of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and what episodes they appeared in,” he said. “I didn’t even know they aired re-runs of that show anymore.”

Also called into question is the final requirement to have a cancellation request completed. A customer who successfully completes the application process will lastly have to compete with 19 other successful applicants in a 400-yard dash, with the first 3 to cross the finish line being awarded their cancellation request. However, Lauer admits this last requirement is not really related to understanding the benefits of either Bell Aliant or Rogers, and is meant only as a fun way to promote good-natured competition and healthy living.

  1. What a great idea. All companies that provide a service and not only the phone companies should do the same. I mean really if you can’t afford to pay the 3 month cancellation fee then you shouldn’t be allowed to get the service in the first place. I think they should also charge a 3 month deposit at installation also.
    Great work on all the knowledgeable stories Keep it up. ?

  2. This was the only item on a news site anywhere that made me smile. Keep it up Manatee.

  3. I already went through this last year… wasn’t this already the policy? I trained all three months for the dash 😛

  4. If they could, trust me they would! LOL

  5. Well, I guess different places have different answers.

  6. Rogers.. Bell.. who cares January 23, 2015, 7:14 am

    this is dumb… one month isn’t enough to convince a customer to stay……. the 90 day notice has nothing to do with people not being able to pay and everything to do with them trying to lock you in for longer since they lost there 3 year contract BS. I’m calling BS on this load of stink…. If you are a good provider you will never have to convince a customer to stay and if your even better 30 days is enough to win back a pissed off person.

  7. This is simply a horrid idea..what if I am moving and find a place to move into and have to move in under the 90 days? Doesn’t work..and should not be allowed.

  8. at 30 days notice those company just stole an extra month from us ,… now they will STEEL 3 months from their costumers,.. what kind of world is it coming to,.. robbing with a pencil or a gun ,…what is the difference ?????


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