Aunt uploads new profile pic upside-down

Aunt uploads new profile pic upside-down

Saint John — Local aunt Sheila MacPherson, 67, has changed her Facebook profile picture, but according to her nieces and nephews, the image is, once again, upside-down.

“She’s had Facebook for 10 years, but she still can’t figure out how to properly upload a profile picture. I went to her house and showed her how to do it one time, after trying to explain it over the phone and failing miserably,” said MacPherson’s niece Danielle, 29. “I looked her in the eyes after showing her several times for a solid hour, and I could have sworn she understood it, but I guess she’s forgotten everything.”

“Oh god, there she goes again. It’s not even a picture of her — it’s just a bouquet of flowers,” said nephew Jarred, 31. “Judging by the background, it wasn’t taken at her place. I don’t know where she gets the inspiration for her profile pictures. I think she just googles ‘nice photo’ or ‘Easter picture’ and saves the result, then spends the morning trying to post it.

“What I don’t get is why it’s upside-down…When you upload a photo, you’re presented with the option of rotating it. Is she just dying to get it posted so quick that she doesn’t bother making sure it’s right-side-up? Or does she somehow not see the little ‘rotate’ thing? Baffling.”

Jarred added that his aunt occasionally mistakes the Facebook status field for a search engine, and ends up posting phrases such as “glaucoma diet” or “potato salad recipe, no onions” with a pretty font on a brightly coloured background.

“Or she’ll upload a full album of the same blurry, close-up, obviously accidental selfie with her finger mostly covering it…then she doesn’t get how to delete it. She’ll just comment on it in all caps with ‘SORRY NOT SURE WHAT I DID HERE WILL TRY TO FIX LATER.’

“But for some reason the upside-down profile pic seems even worse to me.”

MacPherson’s equally clueless friends chimed in on the new profile picture, saying things like: “This is lovely, Sheila, where can I buy these flowers?” or “Lorraine had a fall, she’s not doing well, please pray” or “Nice to see you in church on Sunday” or “Beautiful, Sheila! Did you take this picture?”

At press time, MacPherson had deleted the flower photo, replacing it with a pixelated, upside-down image of a stranger’s new baby boy, with the caption: “Thought I’d share. Isn’t she precious!”

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