Fredericton Transit sets lofty goal: getting passengers to their destinations faster than they could walk there

Fredericton Transit sets lofty goal: getting passengers to their destinations faster than they could walk there

Fredericton — Fredericton Transit announced that their New Year’s resolution for this year is to run a schedule that would allow passengers to get to their destinations in less than an hour.

“Well, considering that you could walk pretty much anywhere we service in an hour, we figured we should probably run buses every 50 minutes to make the ride worthwhile,” said spokesperson Wilson Dabbus. “And before you ask about Sunday service, we need a day to allow our drivers’ butts to reinflate after a week of sitting in a driver’s seat all day.”

Asked if the transit company would consider running smaller buses more frequently and having a handi-transit type of service, Dabbus replied, “Well, that would be a common-sense approach, so obviously, given that we live in New Brunswick, we won’t be doing that. I mean, our goal is to ensure lots of space between passengers so they get the feeling of being in a big limousine.”

On the topic of the actual routes, Dabbus added, “It’s a balance between efficiency of the routes and accessibility to everyone, and since it’s such a tough balance, we decided to do neither.

“That said, we will try to do more to ensure that everyone is equally unhappy with the routes in the new year.”

Asked to clarify whether the routes could be made to go more circular instead of the current spoke-like configuration, Wilson Dabbus said, “Goes round and round… That idea always seems to get stuck in people’s heads!”

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