Hells Angels, Bacchus team up to end drug abuse and violence in Maritimes

Hells Angels, Bacchus team up to end drug abuse and violence in Maritimes

Charlottetown — Hells Angels, the notorious biker gang, have joined forces with New Brunswick-based Bacchus Motorcycle Club to put a stop to drug abuse and violence in Atlantic Canada.

The gangs are riding around the Maritimes to speak in schools about the dangers of drug addiction and equip teens with the skills to prevent domestic abuse. Some are volunteering in local soup kitchens. Others are donating at Canadian Blood Services centres. Some are manning the phones at MADD Canada. Many are giving their time to homeless shelters. Some are holding bake sales at local churches. Still more are helping old ladies cross streets.

While both groups are typically associated with drug rings, thefts, robberies, assaults, murders, increasing home insurance costs and widespread fear, they’re now aiming to dispel the most commonly held myths surrounding biker gangs.

“When people think of the Hells Angels or Bacchus, they don’t think of all the uplifting aspects of our organizations,” said Matt Power, a heavily tattooed Hells Angels spokesperson. “So we’re infiltrating the Maritimes to start to break down some of the negative stereotypes about elusive biker gangs. Unfortunately the media has been spreading lies about our motives, saying we’re buying out drug dealers and threatening them with beatings, and lots of other nasty rumours. It’s a shame that people still have some very backward notions about what the Hells Angels are all about.”

Bacchus ringleader Butch Marlow said Islanders especially need to learn not to judge a book by its cover.

“We’re here not to intimidate, but to educate; we’ve moved in on P.E.I. not to cause problems, but to find solutions,” explained Marlow. “We considered simply staying in our hometown of Saint John, but when we heard about P.E.I.’s growing drug culture, we knew we had to step up and do some good in the world.

“And we’re illustrating a point, here — just because we’ve ruined lives and communities in the past, that doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll continue to do so in the future. Personally, I believe in second chances and clean slates. Just something for people to think about.”

RCMP Const. Ron Versloot said at first he was wary of the known organized criminals setting up shop in the Atlantic provinces, but after witnessing some of their good deeds, he’s sure there’s nothing to worry about.

“I walked fully armed into a biker bar and saw a gang of outlaw-looking tough guys, and I’ll admit I was pretty quick to judge,” recalled Versloot. “I sat down and ordered a beer and when the bartender brought it over, he said one of those very outlaws had paid for it. Well, we all got to talking, one thing led to another, and they gave me an honourary Hells Angels membership!

“And don’t I look friggin’ cool in this jacket?!” he asked, showing off the black leather with trademark Angels logo. “Admit it — I look cool.”

  1. I would like to know if these guys talk at schools in Halifax. My daughter may be interested in joining them. Her name is Ashley and she was shot and paralyzed in a home invasion in Cole Harbour on November 30th 2014

  2. Total bullshit at the end of the article .You do not bye a beer and get accepted into a club.

  3. Did you folks miss the disclaimer at the bottom of the page??? You know, the one that says this WHOLE PAGE is fictitious?? Here, I’ll copy paste it for you..

    All content (including without limitation likenesses, quotes, figures, facts, etc., collectively, “Content”) hosted on The Manatee websites and associated social media accounts (“The Manatee Sources”) is fictitious and satirical and should not be taken seriously. The Manatee Sources and Content are provided as is. By accessing any of The Manatee Sources you acknowledge and agree that such access, any use of Content, and/or linking to other websites or accounts from The Manatee Sources are entirely at your own risk. ****

  4. What a load of bullshit.

  5. My god. It must be true. It’s on the interwebs! ? there is as much truth to this article as there is to many of those written by “mainstream” media.

  6. I love reading these articles and seeing how many people miss the point about the satirical nature of this site. The comments provide more entertainment than anything and just prove that there are people that will believe anything that’s presented to them as “news” even stated otherwise.

  7. yup it sure is bullshit, they wouldn’t survive holding a 7-7 job and being a pPRODUCTIVE part of society! Brutal organized egatistical murderous drug and alcohol induced life is all they know and will do! Too bad cause I bet at one point in time in their life theywere normal! Waste of sperm and eggs! world is going to hell not only because of them though! Talk to your kids and find out anything you can and be open with them, hopefully htese dicks don’t have any influence of any sort in their lives! Pray it so!

    • Are you joking ! , do you know any of them personally ? Probably not !, I would be more worried about all the little gangster wanna be kids selling there drugs and carrying around knives , instead of judging guys because of the vest they wear and the tattoos they have

    • Some are doctors lawyers, construction workers,store owners, mechanics ect.

      • You guys are ridiculously slow. Wake up and read the disclaimer. It’s not a real article. WAKE UP

        • I realize the Article is Bullshit!! I am just stating fact…When the H A Gang reopens a Chapter here, you will see all the crazy shootings eventually disappear because it is all disorganized crime VS organized crime ,where all the druggies shoot each other and then revenge killings occur in an endless cycle. They control all the drugs(and related crime..Prostitution.etc) and you must buy through their supply chain or else!! Yeah, people who cross them tend to get dead or disappear,but only when sanctioned by head office..Lol!! So,all the criminals will fall in line and do what they are told,when they are told!!!!! Organized crime groups generally don’t engage in wild west firearm displays and drive by shootings…or shoot someone because they are having a bad day!!!
          People who are not involved in the Criminal element,usually have nothing to fear from the biker groups…unless you watch the old biker movies,where they rape and pillage!!!!
          I am not saying these people are great guys and wonderful ,desirable citizens….But organized crime will prove to be a lot better than the present state of criminal anarchy in Halifax area. In a perfect world all the crime will cease to exist and the police will catch all the bad guys…drugs will no longer be sold on the street etc.and crime will cease, but,this ain’t gonna happen!!This all comes down to the basic law of economics(Supply and Demand) To quote a line from the famous cartoon character POGO ….”We has seen the enemy and he is us” .

  8. i wuz so moved i cried a little. god bless you everyone

  9. This makes as much sense as the ku klux klan fighting to end racism.

  10. For the love of God, folks …… read the disclaimer at the bottom of the page !!!!!

  11. I don’t know a lot of bikers, but I’ve never had any trouble with any of them. They seem to be the first people to offer road assistance to stranded motorists, and are quite polite on the road. I respect them for saying please and thank you, and wish others knew how to say it.

  12. A devil changes contracts on his terms. These are no Angels

  13. l think everyone should have a second chance

  14. The reality is The Hell’s Angels are in charge of the Drug Game wherever they have a chapter. Once they left Halifax years ago,it turned into a Wild West Show free for all., with all the crazy small time drug pushers shooting each other etc!!!!..The average person does not realize what happened., They police all the Crime and nothing happens without their say so……..or else the offender disappears!!!
    Watch all the shootings etc come to an end when they are back in town. Average citizens do not have anything to fear from these guys,because they are not involved in criminal activities..only the free lance drug dealers and crazies are fearful when the new Sheriff comes back to Dodge!! I am no fan of these guys either ,but I am just stating fact and believe me…this is not lost on local law enforcement ,who have not been able to stop the violence in HRM. Wyatt Earp and his brothers,Doc Holiday etc were not saints either,but they sure solved the problems of lawlessness in Dodge city by other means!!!!


    All content (including without limitation likenesses, quotes, figures, facts, etc., collectively, “Content”) hosted on The Manatee websites and associated social media accounts (“The Manatee Sources”) is fictitious and satirical and should not be taken seriously. The Manatee Sources and Content are provided as is. By accessing any of The Manatee Sources you acknowledge and agree that such access, any use of Content, and/or linking to other websites or accounts from The Manatee Sources are entirely at your own risk.” Common people it’s right at the bottom of the page.

  16. dream weaver May 1, 2017, 2:12 pm

    pretty disrespectfull to the guys who went the distance, that got that logo even good guys who almost did but for legal or health, family reasons went out good but deserved to wear head logo, to think of some fucking cop getting his patch for a beer?take that post down its hidiuos, like Jay Dobins and those like him ala yves levine


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