BREAKING: An exclusive interview with the chair Social Development Minister Jill Green sometimes sits in

BREAKING: An exclusive interview with the chair Social Development Minister Jill Green sometimes sits in

Fredericton — The Conservative government’s ministers are notoriously elusive, but none more so than Social Development Minister Jill Green. After a great effort, a Manatee reporter was eventually given permission to sit down with the empty chair where Green is rumoured to sometimes sit, and ask questions about the housing plan in a dire market. As this is closer than anyone else has gotten to a real interview with honest answers, we decided to take the department up on the offer.

Below is a transcript of the interview.

Manatee: One thing every New Brunswicker wants to know is, why can’t we have a rent cap in this province, as this is a proven method of keeping citizens housed even through inflation?

Green’s chair: silence

Manatee: “I mean, I really think the idea of a rent cap is the elephant in the room, metaphorically speaking.”

Green’s chair: silence

Manatee: Moving on, can you tell us a little bit about the announced rent bank to help struggling New Brunswick tenants and would-be renters?

Green’s chair: silence

Manatee: I see, I see. So, no further details at this time… But we’re coming up on the beginning of the school year, and in Fredericton especially, housing prices are out of control and with the influx of students, where are people on limited budgets supposed to live?

Green’s chair: crickets

Manatee: “Regarding the rent bank, most people don’t really know how it even works. Who would be eligible? What kind of repayment timeline are we looking at?”

Green’s chair:

Manatee: Well, you’ve certainly given us a lot to think about. Nothing tangible, but certainly plenty of space to imagine our own worst-case scenarios…

*A representative for Green at this moment entered the room and wheeled the chair away, saying it was urgently needed to field a CBC reporter’s questions.



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