Deadbeat cannabis magazine finally cut off by its friends

Deadbeat cannabis magazine finally cut off by its friends

Saint John — Earlier this week, it was revealed that locally based cannabis magazine Civilized has been sustaining itself with the help of some of its friends in the business sector, who say that they felt a sense of obligation and would loan the magazine money for “old time’s sake.”

But no more, these friends told The Manatee. This week, several of the magazine’s more upwardly mobile, successful business associates have collectively decided not to loan any more money to the indolent publication.

“It’s about time that it got itself a real job,” said Opportunities New Brunswick. “Every few months it would come around with its hand out looking for an ‘investment’ in some crazy new ‘business idea,’ like a massive marijuana party with celebrities, or a new Olympics…but, like, with weed. I mean, how can you take that seriously?”

“It’s fuckin’ bullshit, man,” said a representative of Civilized. “They’re just pissed off because we don’t fit into their perfect little box. We’re not about ‘cubicles,’ or ‘button down suits,’ or ‘good business practices.’ Well, fuck them. At least we’ll never sell out to The Man like they did.”

Shortly after speaking with The Manatee, it was announced that the magazine would, indeed, be sold to data analysis corporation Management Analysis Network (M.A.N). Friends of the magazine hope that the sale will help to point it in the right direction.

“We really think this might be the best thing for it,” said ONB. “Maybe now it’ll stop messing around and finally make something of itself.”

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