New Brunswick institutes 24-hour wait time before plowing roads

New Brunswick institutes 24-hour wait time before plowing roads

Fredericton — If you thought the road-clearing after the recent winter storm that hit New Brunswick left a little to be desired, you’re not imagining things. The Government of New Brunswick announced today it has instituted a 24-hour minimum wait time after a snowfall before the plows are put on the road.

Billed as a cost-cutting measure put forward as the Gallant government looks for ways to trim services, the provinceĀ  suggests that the thousands of cars on the road anyway will give plow drivers a “head start” by packing down snow.

A statement released by the Department of Transportation earlier today reads, in part:

“Not only will the reduced hours of plow drivers bring down costs for New Brunswick, but by waiting 24 hours after every snowfall, 90 percent of the work will be done by citizens packing the snow down on their daily commutes before the plows even get on the road.”

Transportation Minister Roger Melanson was unavailable for comment, but his spokesperson Marlene Best gave clarification on the government’s position.

“Look, we just figured: what’s the point of plowing the roads right away? It might snow again, and we’re just going to have to do it again. So, in a way, by not plowing for at least 24 hours after a snowfall, we’re doubling our efficiency,” said Best.

“Not only do we expect to see savings in the transportation budget, we have formed a committee to study the possibility of using the inevitable ice-like roads as outdoor hockey rinks, allowing us to close some of the province’s more outdated recreational facilities in rural areas.”

When asked specifically what rural areas the government had in mind, Best replied: “Everywhere that isn’t Fredericton, Saint John or Moncton.”

  1. December 18, 2015, 5:42 pm

    we should of never voted for the Liberals we pay home taxes for snow removal and we are paying too much and now this government keeps pushing people to have accidents so our insurance will go up and when are they going to stop this bull shit

  2. You don`t save when you have to plow for days trying to get the packed shit off the roads for days after ,schools will be closed extra days ,more accidents ,so more Medicare bills ,people off work more ,EI will pay though ,savings haha ,who comes up with this stupidly .another smart Government idea ,IDIOTS

  3. OMG, someone really believes this, now that’s funny

  4. so now the plows will be trying to get rid of ice instead of snow…gotta luv how the brililant minds of politicians work…wonder how long this idea would last if a few of “them” sat in a plow truck and realize how much harder it’s going to be…smh

  5. Pack the snow real good and then you can’t plow it out it’s going to be ice. More accident more school day lost I just don’t get it.
    But what I get its that if they contract more road plowing out they will save $ get rid of the lazy boy with big yellow truck

  6. And have you thought of essential service employees… nurses, EMTs, police and firefighters, that may be snow-locked and unable to get to work during your 24 hour wait time. Very poorly thought through

  7. This is the same govt that put this province in the hole and now grasping at straws to save money and cause deaths thru lack of common sense

  8. People…this is satire…not true…how do some people breathe without a how to guide.

  9. Hahaha! You people do realize The Manatee is satire…don’t you?!

  10. Thanks Brad and Rob.

  11. We are thinking off trading our car because they don’t plow the roads in Irishtown for a 4×4 , so it’s going to cost us more in gaz to drive because of that.

    • HAHAHAHAHA you people ever think to look at the source of an article before you read it??? This is a satirical site, a bull shit site with fake stories for those of you too stupid to know what satire is.Hahahaha what a bunch of sheep.Do some homework before you open that hole in your face!!

  12. Concerned citizen December 19, 2015, 10:41 am

    It is probably a joke but is someones Idea of a sick joke. Don’t give the ^%&* government any ideas. They are apt to think that this is a good idea.

  13. So what happens when the ambulance can’t get here to take me to the hospital with another heart failure in Beechwood to take me to Waterville Hospital. Sure glad I didn’t vote for him.

  14. Wow…people if you read the email tire article esp the part about using the icy roads to replace outdated recreation facilities you would hopefully clued in this is a joke. That’s the problem today people don’t take the time to get their facts straight before freaking out and going on the attack. ..get a grip.

  15. Wow…people if you read the entire article especially the part about using the icy roads to replace outdated recreation facilities you would hopefully clued in this is a joke. That’s the problem today people don’t take the time to get their facts straight before freaking out and going on the attack. ..get a grip.

  16. Time to kick the incompetent morons out next election.

  17. This is what happens when you allow private banks to fund the government rather than the public central bank.

  18. I hope this is a joke, you are putting peoples lives at risk, and what about people that have to go to work, people in our Province Do work, or if someone needs to go to the Hospital, what happens then? do they just die.
    I know we are not a rich Province, find some other means of cutting costs, I am sure there are loads of ways the Provincial Government could cut the fat.

  19. Sir Trollington III December 19, 2015, 6:47 pm

    I’ve been a troll for 25 years and now I don’t even know who is getting trolled here… other commentators not knowing this is a manatee article, or me by trolls pretending to have been trolled by the manatee. Please, send help.

  20. This is just step one, next winter they are going to sell the plows, and give people the choice of a ski-doo or a dog team to pull their sled.

  21. Fucking gouverment take all ur tax money to give does fucking reffuges they cutting beds in the hospital now cutting plows fuck stop acepting all of does people and give us the money .insteade . Goverment they are the bigges robbers of all and it legal we should all stop paying taxes

    • Well here’s a thought…perhaps the money could go to education….reading, writing, spelling, grammar. This is satire for crying out loud. The funniest thing about it is the comments from those who actually think it is real. READ!!

  22. Bend over and take it up the ass!!!!

  23. I don’t know which is more entertaining, the article or the comments from the dolts who took it for fact.

  24. Oh how I love people’s reaction’s when not realizing this is a satirical website!!

  25. Love this strategy to save taxpayers money! I am trying a similar strategy on my driveway. I call it “why snowplow today, tomorrow, or the next day…” After all, I can just let the winter droppings accumulate into a heaping glob of hazardous frozen material that I can spend the winter chipping away at …uhhhm unless I fall a break my neck on it before the spring. Mavis

  26. Hahahahahahahah I cannot believe how many people actually fall for the shit on this fake website!!! Hahahahaha come on people, give your head a shake!!! Using the roads as outdoor hockey rinks SHOULD of given it away but nope, people are sheep and don’t bother to look up the site.

  27. Are you People Are All Brain Dead

  28. Suggestion: minimum IQ of 100 required to vote next election

  29. Having to plow one’s own road, without being given notice from the public operators, 12-18 hours after a snowfall event does not instill confidence that they can NOT hit the 24hr mark by the end of this winter. If they have a goal of 24 hours, then they are getting a little too good at meeting their objectives for my, and my business’ comfort.

  30. This is great entertainment…

  31. ~ LOL…even funnier, are comments from people who take these posts seriously!!


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