Premier Higgs gives thrifty tips on this week’s Manatee Political Panel

Premier Higgs gives thrifty tips on this week’s Manatee Political Panel

Fredericton — According to New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs, it’s time for a wakeup call. With the provincial budget coming out on Tuesday, Higgs says that it will be tough love for a province that’s been on a spending spree for the past decade.

But don’t worry your pretty little head! To help us make the transition, we’ve got the thriftiest premier in Canada with his handy-dandy list of penny-pinching tips.

Today, the premier sat down exclusively with The Manatee to explain how he turned from a finance minister who ran back-to-back deficits to a cost-cutting crusader. He also spilled secrets on what’s coming up in Tuesday’s budget.



  1. Since when has George Bush Jr been our premier?


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